Fellowship & Community Life
Crossroads helps our congregation make connections with each other through Fellowship Opportunities.
Coffee Hour is held immediately after every church service in the Atrium. We gather for good conversation with refreshments and coffee for everyone.
We hold all-church potlucks ~quarterly! There is always plenty of food for everyone, so please join us!
Care Groups and Book Studies are in the “Learning” category, however, they also serve to help make connections and friends.
Women’s Breakfast is usually held twice a year - once during Advent and once in Lent. This is an opportunity to socialize and learn.
Mother’s Day Tea
Crossroads Bowling League
Our 1st Culture Fair was held in Spring 2024 and we plan to continue this event in the future, with food, fun and kids activities for our congregation and the community.
Church Anniversary celebrations
Family and youth friendly activities may be organized such as Corn Mazes, trips to see a show at Sight & Sound, etc.