Mission & Service

We seek to make connections to our community & congregation through service and volunteerism.

Project Outreach

A consortium of Spring-Ford area churches have come together address the food needs of our community. The Crossroads congregation supports this ministry by collecting food to meet Project Outreach’s needs.

We also volunteer, in rotation with the other churches, helping bag groceries and distributing the food, on Thursday mornings at Project Outreach which is located at the Royersford library at 410 Washington St, Royersford, PA 19468.

Lorraine Dingley is the point person for this mission.

Spring Ford Project Outreach Link


Congregational Care

We are brought together in this church congregation, in part, to connect, pray for and care for one another, with God’s help. We can do this for those with a particular need though a Meal Train, Hospital visits, Prayer Chains and other tangible ways. Noah Macy is the Session Member in charge of Congregational Care.


disABILITY Ministry

Crossroads began a disABILITY Ministry in 2019. The aim of our disAbilities Ministry is to provide families, children, and adults, living with individuals with disabilities an opportunity to worship and connect with God. Our church allows all disabled youth an opportunity to join in church activities and sports. We connect with people in our congregations AND people in the community. Learn more about this ministry here.


Adopt-A-Highway Road Cleanup

Crossroads Presbyterian is a proud to be an official volunteer with the Pennsylvania Adopt-A-Highway Program. We work together to beautify our local roadway by picking up litter on Lewis Rd (from Linfield Rd to Ridge Pike) at least twice a year, usually in Spring and Fall. We typically pick up over 20 bags of litter, and sometimes large items such as car bumpers.

Look for our roadsign next time you are driving down Lewis Road. Joe F. is the point person for this mission.


Phoenixville Area Community Services

In addition to collecting for Project Outreach, Crossroads also sends volunteers to other Food Pantries. In the past, we have gone to Philabundance, but we now find that Phoenixville Food Pantry is more in need of volunteers. See Joe Fescenmyer for more information


Christmas Toy Donations

Every Christmas season, Crossroads partners with the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. You will be provided with a tag for a child listing their preferences and then you purchase toys and/or clothes for them. Christine Wuelfing is the contact person at Crossroads for this mission.


Community Building Use

Crossroads Presbyterian is blessed with an amazing building! Our building is handicapped accessible and has ample parking. We partner with many organizations in the community to provide them a physical home, often at a very low cost or free. These include Cub Scouts, local Support Groups, Narcotics Anonymous and many more. Supporting our church also helps support our community! See many of our Community Partners here.

Learn about Building rentals here.