Resources for Lent 2025
The season of Lent sets us on a journey. The journey begins in the wilderness. We follow the way of Jesus, who faced trials, trouble, temptation, and testing. Like Jesus, we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with us. God’s Word is on our lips. Our call is to trust in God alone, to do God’s will in all things. For God leads us not only into the wilderness, but also through the wilderness.
March 2025
Dear Beloved Congregation:
As we approach the sacred season of Lent, I find myself reflecting on the profound significance of this time in our faith journey. Lent is a period of preparation, a moment for us to pause and reflect on our relationship with God, ourselves, and one another. It invites us into a deeper understanding of the sacrifice Christ made for us and calls us to consider how we can walk more closely in His footsteps.
During these forty-days, we are encouraged to engage in practices that bring us closer to our Creator. Whether you decide to abstain from something, adopt a new spiritual discipline, or assist those in need, I invite you to approach these activities with an open heart and a willing spirit. Let us use this time to strip away distractions and focus on the essence of our faith, allowing God to transform us from the inside out.
Also, Lent is not just an individual journey; it is a communal one. Let us support one another through prayer, encouragement and acts of kindness. Together, we can create a space where everyone feels welcomed and loved, reflecting the heart of Christ.
I am reminded of the words from 1John 1:17: “But if we walk as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” May this Lenten season be a time of deepening our fellowship with God and each other.
In closing, I encourage you to pray and seek God’s guidance as we enter this sacred time. May your hearts be open to His leading and may we all emerge from this season transformed and renewed, ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday.
With love and blessings,
Pastor Strother
Daily Bible Readings
Click the link below. This takes you to a page with each day’s Bible Reading with a clickable link that takes you directly to those selections in an online Bible. Come back to this every day.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lenten season. Lent is a 40-day period of prayer, fasting and charitable acts leading up to Easter.
The ashes used were made from the burned palm leaves from a previous Palm Sunday and represent our human frailty and the need for renewal.
Ash Wednesday is a time for reflection and repentance and is marked by the ritual of receiving ashes on the forehead in the shape of a cross. It symbolizes our mortality and calling to turn back to God.
We invite you to our Ash Wednesday Service on March 5th at 7pm. All are welcome. This service is in person only at 10 W Cherry Lane in Limerick PA.
Personal Reflection:
Ask yourself: How can I use Lent to grow closer to God through prayer, acts of service or personal sacrifices?
Community Outreach:
Consider ways to invite non-churchgoers to learn about Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, and what it means to us.